conservative system
- 保守系统;守恒系(统)

Conservative system is important and particular system .
The one is the nonlinear free oscillation of conservative system .
The numerical simulation shows that the coupling system is a nonlinear conservative system .
A Method for Solving Strongly Nonlinear Forced Oscillation in Conservative System
It is a conservative system so all the energies are negative .
The Chaos of Conservative System and Its Controlling
The characteristic of conservative system is symplectic conservation .
Transition from a conservative system to a quasi-dissipative one
The decorative artistic works are successfully drawn out using rule spot mapping in conservative system rule .
The paper discusses nonlinear mapping in real number phase space and energy method of sub-rule spot map in conservative system .
Despite attempts at a more liberal media system , the control tactics found in China Daily would suggest China is resorting to a more conservative system of media control .
Hamilton system is a conservative system , so it is necessary to use symplectic algorithm to solve the Hamiltonian matrix eigenvalue or symplectic matrix eigenvalue .
The common numerical methods for solving eigenvalue , only consider the numerical accuracy , without ensuring the structure unchanged . A conservative system should be symplectic conservative .
A conservative system can be described with the Hamilton system methodology , and its characteristic is the symplectic conservation , which is the most important feature of conservative system .
A calculation for period of a single freedom nonlinear conservative system vibrating in a large amplitude is performed , and the period formulae of some typical vibration problems are presented .
This paper treats the corresponding result for a nonholonomic conservative system described by Poincare 's equations which are constructed from the standpoint of the theory of Lie groups .
The differential equation of a conservative system can be described by means of the Hamilton system theory , for which the key characteristic is symplectic conservation , one of the most important features of a conservative system .
In a conservative system , small amplitude disturbances , such as linear water waves or linear internal gravity waves , propagate with their group velocity , which equals to the speed of energy flux .
Using this method to solve the resonance cycle solution of the strongly nonlinear conservative system , the solution process was changed into a series of algebraic operations , avoiding solving the differential equation and establishing additional equation to eliminate the secular terms .
Virtual work principle and quasi-potential energy principle for non-conservative system in elasto-statics are deduced . Different expressions for quasi-potential energy principle are discussed . Virtual work principle is applicable to both conservative system and non-conservative system with follower force .
Management of pests on crops under the conservative farming system
The complex structures in a conservative pendulum system
Centralized energy integral of the conservative mechanics system
Management of wheat soil-borne diseases under the conservative farming system
A KIND OF NONLINEAR ANALYTICAL METHOD BASED ON HOMOTOPY ( Part 2 ) - General Formulations of the Period of Conservative Single-Degree-Freedom System
Soil Water Content and Crop Yield Effects of Mechanized Conservative Tillage-Cultivation System for Dryland Winter Wheat in the Loess Tableland
Abstract This thesis mainly discussed conservative oscillation system and multiple-steady states chemical reaction system , and the self-organization that might appear as the coupling of system and environment .
One goal of the logging framework is to be conservative with system resources so that the logging procedure calls are not expensive , or do not incur much overhead .
Analyzing the conservative bureaucrat system and its origin , also pointing out the way to promote government organization and social innovative capability of government functionary will have important theoretical and realistic meaning to the reform of government organizations at present .
For the conservative quality factor system in some direction , the propagator of ABCD formulation can be got .